O diretor da Europol, Rob Wainwright, deu uma entrevista ao site Public Service Europe, sobre questões de segurança no continente europeu. Lá pelas tantas ele solta esta:
Some police and security officials talk behind closed doors about eventually introducing compulsory identity cards, including DNA records, for all citizens - in order to better combat crime and terrorism. In the short-term, there is little chance of this somewhat Orwellian development. But, is it something that will be inevitable in the long-term? "It is certainly a step too far at the moment, I think," answers Wainwright ambiguously. "In the public-policy space which we all operate in, you always have to draw the right balance between the interests of individual liberty and security. By the way, I don't think it's a binary choice – the two are mutually reinforcing because you can't enjoy liberty until you have security. I am not sure a major European DNA database for every citizen would be the right balance, it would be disproportionate so it's not something that is going to happen in the short term, I am sure."
No curto prazo, a Europa estaria a salvo de ter um banco de dados com o DNA de todas as pessoas no continente. Mas no longo prazo, parafraseando Keynes, todos estaremos cadastrados.
Via No2ID (via Public Service)