Os jornais The Sunday Times e The Independent trazem duas reportagens sobre o anunciado fracasso do programa de cartões de identidade introduzidos por Tony Blair este ano. As duas reportagens dizem que o programa não estará totalmente operacional em pelo menos 20 anos. Estas descobertas foram possíveis graças a emails vazados à imprensa.
Num dos e-mails, Peter Smith, da antiga Agência de Passaportes do Reino Unido (atual Serviço de Passaporte e Identidade) fala sobre a pressa de Tony Blair sobre o projeto:
From: Smith Peter (UKPA)
Sent: 08 June 2006 15:44
Subject: RE: Procurement Strategy
I wouldn't argue with a lot of this David; share your concerns about TNIR timescale certainly, and the 'wider scheme' implications where still issues about joining up I think across the HO. We should talk... but 2 points in our defence...!
1. It was a Mr Blair who wanted the 'early variant' card. Not my idea...
Já o senhor David Foord, do Escritório de Comércio Governamental, fala da arbitrariedade das datas de início de operação do sistema:
From: Foord, David (OGC)
Sent: 08 June 2006 15:17
Subject: RE: Procurement Strategy
This has all the inauspicious signs of a project continuing to be driven by an arbitrary end date rather than reality. The early variant idea introduces huge risk on many levels some of which mature in these procurement options.
From: Foord, David (OGC)
Sent: 09 June 2006 11.38
Subject: RE: Procurement Strategy
Let’s meet. Just because ministers say do something does not mean we ignore reality - which is what seems to have happened on ID Cards until the OJEU was to be issued and then reality could not be ignored any longer.
I do not have a problem with ministers wanting a face saving solution, but we need to be clear with the programme team, senior officials, special advisors and ministers etc just what this implies. They need to understand this, because a botched introduction of a descoped early variant ID Card backed by TNIR, if it is subject to a media feeding frenzy (queues outside passport offices! and more recently IND) - which it might well be close to a general election, could put back the introduction of ID Cards for a generation and won't do much for IPS credibility nor for the Govt's election chances either (latter not our problem but might play with ministers).
O The Sunday Times publicou um editorial sobre o assunto com o título "Saving face over ID" que já começa metendo o pau no programa:
What do you get when you combine an ambitious IT scheme run by the government and a plan that threatens to ride roughshod over civil liberties? The answer is an unholy mess. As leaked e-mails today reveal, Tony Blair’s flagship identity card scheme is struggling and could even collapse in an embarrassing shambles. Two years before ID cards are set to be introduced for people renewing their passports, the chances of meeting that timetable look remote. The entire scheme may yet have to be shelved.
Depois o artigo fala sobre os custos estimados em £19 bi (R$76,5 bilhões), da ex-chefe do MI5 falando da inutilidade do programa de identidade de Blair ou mesmo o dumbo do Charles Clarke, ex-secretário do Interior, dizendo que os cartões de identidade não parariam o 7 de Julho. Imagina como seria isso no Brasil, já que o desgoverno Lula planeja algo semelhante.